FREQUENTLY asked questions

what are sarms

SARMs, or selective androgen receptor modulators, are a class of androgen receptor ligands discovered in the 1990s. They have effects on muscle gains, stamina, bone density, recovery time and fat loss. SARMs are known for having minimal side effects when taken within certain doses, according to a summary of research reported in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care

The muscle growth stimulated by SARMs is what makes them appealing to bodybuilders, athletes, and men or women wanting to lose weight. However, research suggests SARMs could also help prevent osteoporosis and help people who have it. It’s shown to increase bone density and improve the quality of the bone’s architecture. 

SARMs signify a new era of tissue-selective androgens with an unknown potential to treat (and possibly cure) several diseases. 

are sarms legal

Under current regulations SARMs are not licenced to be sold for human use. However, SARMs can legally be sold and purchased as research chemicals in the UK and most other countries worldwide. It is therefore safe and legal to purchase SARMS from BRL. 

how do sarms work

In general, they all work by acting on the androgen receptors on cells to cause a natural rise in testosterone levels. Unlike steroids and prohormones, SARMs don’t cause testosterone to convert to estrogen. For this reason, SARMs are often considered better alternatives to steroids. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) bans the use of SARMs in sport because of their performance-enhancing effects. The boost in testosterone from SARMs results in more anabolic activity, giving performance benefits.

are sarms steroids

Steroids and Sarms are not the same although they are in some ways similar. 

Both work by binding to androgen receptors in the body triggering changes to DNA. This ultimately causes an increase in the potential for growth in muscle cells. Anabolic steroids are essentially synthetic hormones which supplement the body’s own testosterone levels. The use of steroids causes enzymes in the prostrate and scalp to metabolize (change) this extra testosterone into DHT. This binds to the body’s androgen receptors five times more strongly than testosterone. This can lead to issues with prostrate health, hair loss and acne. SARMs do not trigger this reaction and are believed to be tissue selective. Consequently SARMs are generally considered to be safer than steroids, especially for long term use. 

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